A top team in special logistics enables successful temperature-controlled transports

Temperature-controlled transportations

CHS:llä on oma erikoislogistiikan GDP auditoitu -tiimi, jolla on pitkä kokemus erikoislogistiikasta kuten lämpötilasäädellyistä kuljetuksista. ”CHS:n varastosta löytyy aina kuivajäätä, ja lämpötilasäädellyt kuljetukset onnistuvat vakaalla ammattitaidolla nopeasti, mutta hätäilemättä”, kertoo CHS:n Special Service Manager Eberhard Jolly.

Temperature-controlled transports are a critical part of the logistics chain of scientific research. When processes are in order and all parties know what to do, we can calmly and efficiently take care of even urgent transports. When our customer orders a temperature-controlled transport, we take action immediately to get the transport delivered even during the same day.

CHS has a separate space for dry ice and type-approved transport containers. We select the right size container and fill it with a carefully calculated amount of dry ice in our storage facility, and add the necessary packaging markings, address cards and waybills.
Typically, a transport process advances so that our customer orders a transport and we prepare the package at our storage facility according to the information provided to us. The container is delivered to our customer (for example a central hospital), that packs the container. The shipment’s transport toward its destination starts the same day. In temperature-controlled transports we are always racing against the clock, and the transported shipment must remain at the required temperature throughout the process.

Almost anything can be safely transported with dry ice

At our storage facility in Vantaa, we can add more dry ice to the shipment. The amount depends on how long the transport to the destination takes. Dry ice and the required temperature can be maintained well for three to four days in twenty-kilogram packages. The dry ice that has evaporated during the beginning of the trip must, however, be replaced with new dry ice.

The temperature of dry ice is -79 Celsius and it is an excellent and safe refrigerant. Dry ice enables transporting blood samples and vaccines in particular. Our customers are for example pharmaceutical companies, laboratories and research units.

Often the packages are also equipped with a temperature or GPS logger that measures the package’s temperature and tracks its location. The recipient can utilise the logger upon delivery to check exactly what route the parcel was delivered and what the inside temperature of the parcel was at each point of time.
Naturally the packages and maintaining the cold chain are such meticulously defined processes that there is no need to worry about problems: the recorded measurements make it easy to verify and ensure that everything has advanced as planned.

Audited professionals in the logistics chain ensure quality

Temperature-controlled transports require extreme professionalism at every step of the transport. Bioscience-deliveries are only transported by selected audited transport partners both in Finland and elsewhere in the world.

CHS has its own “specialist team” that carries out temperature-controlled and other special transports on a daily basis. All of the members of our team are trained to handle for example dangerous substances and other products that require special expertise. The team members are all extremely competent in the various steps of temperature-controlled transports, and thus we are able to uphold top quality and meet growing demand volumes at CHS. Each week we efficiently transport numerous temperature-controlled shipments, and one of our team members is always present at our office at Vantaa airport to ensure that schedule-critical transports are forwarded smoothly.

Eberhard Jolly valkoinen tausta

Eberhard Jolly

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