At the moment in Finland, we are looking forward to the arrival of warm weather and the summer, but the Finnish Olympic Team has turned its eyes to the winter of 2018. The beginning of the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang in South Korea on 8 February 2018 is already closer than the warming weather suggests. The winter athletes’ short summer holiday break is behind them and many have resumed the rhythm of their training season.
We ordinary sport fans usually experience the Olympic Games through the TV during a period of 17 days. This is, however, just the tip of the iceberg of the work, which has been carried out in different fields during many years on the way to the event. The seamless journey of the Olympic Team consisting of close to 200 athletes and other team members to the Olympic arenas is a project involving hundreds of professionals. As the official logistics partner of the Finnish Olympic Team, CHS Expo Freight is responsible for making sure that all the relevant consignments arrive at the destination safely on time.
– Every Olympic project is unique. The challenges we faced in the Summer Olympics in Rio were almost totally different from the ones we have to take into account in the Winter Olympics in Korea. For instance, when we think about the freight, it is important to understand that the winter sports season is at its liveliest right after the Olympics. We cannot too much underline the fact that it is vital that the Finnish Olympic Team can rely on professionals, who make sure that everything goes as planned.
The planning process progresses already at full speed. Preparations for the Finnish Olympic Team’s journey have been going on in different parts of Finland at joint events and in training camps, where various aspects of the coming Olympic Games have been discussed together. The competition sites, healthcare issues, outfits, and media responsibilities have all been flexibly reviewed and the Team’s journey has begun,Ville Köngäs who is responsible for the partnerships of the Finnish Olympic Team’s partnerships describes.
– Olympiajoukkueen rahdin kuljetusten suunnittelutyö on myös jo pitkällä. Hyvin tehty ennakkovalmistautuminen ratkaisee kuljetusten onnistumisen. Merirahteja and lentorahteja varataan riittävän aikaisin sekä meno- että paluukuljetuksiin. Korean Olympiaprojektissa erityisesti lentorahti paluukuljetuksia varten on keskeisessä asemassa, koska talven kilpailukausi jatkuu urheilijoilla heti olympialaisten jälkeen, painottaa tapahtumalogistiikasta vastaava johtaja Heikki Mattola CHS Expo Freightista. Valmistelemme jo nyt asioita myös paikallisen logistiikkakumppanimme kanssa Koreassa, hän jatkaa.
One of the Finnish Olympic Team’s training camps was organised in Kisakallio. The participating teams were from cross-country skiing, biathlon, ski-jumping, and Nordic combined.
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