Containers and supplies are currently being moved to the competition villages of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games 2022 and everything is getting ready to receive Finnish Olympic athletes. This and last year's Olympic cargo is unique, as one container circles through the four Games, (Tokyo 2021 Olympics and Paralympics, as well as the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics in Beijing).
This environmentally sustainable solution has required a careful planning in advance for the entire project. This way, emissions and unnecessary transports between ports have been minimized. With this special solution we are able to ensure the whole logistical chain and customs services in different countries, until the end of the Olympic Games and the return of goods. CHS's experienced special logistics unit worked closely with the Finnish Olympic Committee to take even the smallest details into account and double-checked everything with our skilled partners around the world.
Tämä vastuullisesti toteutettu ratkaisu on vaatinut huolellisen ennakkosuunnitelman koko projektin ajalta ja tällä tavalla on minimoitu päästöt ja turhat kuljetukset satamien välillä sekä varmistettu logistinen ketju ja tullaukset sujumaan moitteettomasti eri maissa kisojen päättymiseen ja tavaroiden kotiinpaluuseen saakka. CHS:n kokenut erikoislogistiikan yksikkö tekee tiivistä yhteistyötä Suomen Olympiakomitean kanssa, jotta pienetkin yksityiskohdat tulevat huomioitua ja tuplavarmistettua osaavilta kumppaneiltamme ympäri maailman. Ennakointi ja varasuunnitelmien teko on normaalia, kun puhutaan ainutlaatuisesta tapahtumasta, jossa myöhästyminen ei ole vaihtoehto.
Finnish Olympics skiers have dedicated equipment and maintenance container, which is moved to the Olympic Games arena today.
The maintenance team is an important part of Finland’s Olympic team, and their work plays an important part while fighting for the medals. The maintenance container and its contents plays a significant role for the Finnish team's skiers. Some of the Olympic team supplies were shipped by airfreight last weekend and will be delivered to the athletes during this week.
Olympiajoukkueelle lensi myös tarviketäydennyksiä Suomesta lentorahtina viime viikonloppuna ja nämä tarvikkeet toimitetaan kisakyliin urheilijoille tämän viikon aikana. Pandemian rajoittaessa liikkumista kisakyliin, on paikallisen kumppanimme apu isossa roolissa, jotta kaikki sujuu viranomaisten säädösten mukaisesti.
The feedback we received from the Beijing 2022 competition organisation of our cargo arrangements is a wonderful message to our entire team, including our Chinese partner APT and the people of the Finnish Olympic Committee.
“Thank you very much for your cooperation and well-organized files. We extremely appreciate APT’ s professional work and patience. You are one of the best teams I’ve ever worked with”.
CUI Xueyuan
Beijing 2022 Customs & Freight Forwarding Team
At the end of the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games, our work continues, and containers returns to Finland to wait the next Olympic Games, which will be held in Paris in 2024.
Jason Kelppe
Special Service, Supervisor and Sales
+358 20 1669 522
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