Network meeting in Athens

CHS Group participated in an international partner network meeting held in Athens, Greece on May 18-21, 2022. The main focus of the event was on road freight and to develop cooperation between our global partners.

Tapahtumaan saapui yli 60 agenttia ympäri maailman mm. Pohjois-Amerikasta, Kaukoidästä ja Euroopasta. CHS Groupia konferenssissa edusti CHS Groupiin kuuluvan Scanlink Oy:n ja CHS maantierahdin Operatiivinen Johtaja Patrik Heikkonen ja CHS Air & Sea Oy:n Myyntijohtaja Jarmo Seppälä.

Jarmo Seppälä: "The event was very successful and both CHS and Scanlink were praised especially for our personal approach, where we always try to tailor our services to match the needs of our customers".

Patrik Heikkonen: "It is important for us to meet our international partners face to face and ensure that the high-quality level we promise to our customers is maintained worldwide. In this conference it became clear that our ideology is well supported, and we are happy to develop our freight operations with our reliable and like-minded partners."

Check out Scanlink Oy's website:

Patrik Heikkonen Operations Director, Road Services

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