Finnish flavours showcased in Berlin – CHS provided temperature-controlled logistics for Finnish exhibitors

CHS mukana ruokamessuilla Berliinissä

The International Green Week, held in Berlin in January, is the world’s largest consumer exhibition in the food industry. This year there were about 30 exhibitors from Finland and with a close cooperation with its partner network, CHS was taking care of temperature-controlled logistics for most of the Finnish participants.

Founded in 1926, the International Green Week (Grüne Woche) attracts nearly 400 000 visitors and 90 000 food industry professionals every year. Once again, a large number of Finnish food and tourism companies had travelled to Berlin to seek new contacts on the German and Central European markets. Besides exhibition stands for companies and Finnish provinces, Finland’s 330 square meter exhibition space also included a bar and a restaurant.

CHS, together with its partner network, was providing exhibition logistics services for about 20 Finnish customers whose product range included fish, meat, berry and brewery products and wines, for example.

Two trailers to Berlin

In Finland, the freight was loaded on two temperature-controlled trailers which were first transported to the port of Travemünde and from there to Berlin.

The first trailer was packed with groceries that were suitable for room temperature transportation. The other one was reserved for frozen food products and foods that require refrigerated temperature. For that purpose, the trailer was adjustable for two different temperatures. CHS’s partner was online monitoring the temperatures in real-time.

Jason Kelppe, who works as an operational supervisor for CHS, says that keeping the freight space at the right temperature may sound quite simple. However, the practice has shown that everything has to be prepared for.

“In temperature-controlled logistics, it is vital that possible temperature deviations are noticed immediately, and the information is passed to the driver right away.”

Right timing is crucial in exhibition logistics

Being in the right place at the right time is one of the main pillars of successful logistics project, and Kelppe states that this fact is highlighted in exhibition forwarding.

“Especially at big events like Green Week, unloading the freight takes place on a tight schedule, and there is an own time slot for each operator. Therefore, the freight must be in the right place just at the right time. Problems can arise if schedules are pushed too tight. We always have a direct telephone number to the driver if there is something to pay attention during transportation.”

CHS’s partners have warehouses in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, so transportation to Europe can be arranged quickly by air, sea or road. The freight to Berlin was picked up from Vantaa on Monday afternoon and arrived at its destination early on Wednesday. Kelppe himself, with his colleague, travelled to the exhibition area to help with the unloading of the freight.

“Our client, an exhibition service company, felt that coordinating the unloading process on-site was a significant addition to the service and made their tasks easier” , Kelppe says.

CHS:n yhteistyökumppaneilla on varastoja hyvien kulkuyhteyksien varrella Helsinki-Vantaan lentokentän läheisyydessä, joten kuljetukset Eurooppaan järjestyivät nopealla aikataululla. Berliiniin matkannut rahti noudettiin Vantaalta maanantai-iltapäivällä ja määränpäähänsä se saapui laiva- ja maantiekuljetuksen jälkeen varhain keskiviikkona. Kelppe itse matkusti kollegansa kanssa messualueelle auttamaan purussa.

”Ständien rakentamisesta vastannut toimeksiantajamme koki, että purun koordinointi paikan päällä oli todella tärkeä lisä palvelukokonaisuudessa ja helpotti omalta osaltaan heidän työtään”, Kelppe toteaa.

CHS provides exhibition logistics services with a long experience

CHS is one of the most well-known companies providing exhibition logistics services in Finland. Over the years, our logistics professionals have helped numerous export companies to participate in big international exhibition events such as Green Week.

Our extensive partner network enables cost-effective, well-organized and customer-centric transportation to exhibition events anywhere in the world.

Ask more about our logistics solutions by contacting our sales or ask for a quote directly through our website.

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