Etsiessä luottokumppania varastointiin ja logistiikkaan on kohdistettava ensin katse omiin tarpeisiin ja odotuksiin. Pohdimme jokaisen asiakkaan kohdalla kaikki kuljetusketjun palikat mahdollisimman hyvin ja täsmällisesti kohdalleen, jotta voimme tehdä laskelmat mahdollisimman tarkoilla kertoimilla. Etukäteismietintä auttaa hoitamaan prosessit kuntoon, ja yhdessä sovittu prosessi asettaa asiakkaan odotukset vastaamaan korkeaa laatuamme.
From a customer’s point of view, quality always boils down to whether the product or service matches expectations. If the customer expects first-rate, excellent service, we at CHS must live up to these expectations. We always start looking at quality from the customer’s perspective. In my opinion, high quality starts with a flawless process, so we can eliminate all foreseeable problems.
ISO standards are proof of CHS’ quality and functional processes
CHS has recently been granted two valuable ISO standards. ISO 9001 proves that we are committed to abiding by international recommendations and guidelines regarding good management, as stipulated in the ISO standard. Our entire personnel including top management are fully committed to carrying out quality objectives. The standard also acts as a basis for all development projects, which makes it a good foundation to build the quality system.
ISO 14001 acts as a certificate for taking into account green values. We can, for example, compensate for carbon dioxide, if the customer wants CO2 neutral transportation. In our operations, we consider emissions in our everyday actions: we systematically take care of recycling, energy, and fuel savings, and minimising carbon dioxide emissions when we plan our products and operations.
Good quality means stability, and it’s based on transparency
Good quality naturally means good results in all measured indicators, but for customers, good quality often also means a high level of trust and peace of mind. Considerable inconsistency in the quality of the product or service provided is often the cause of negative quality experiences – and this is a much larger and more business-critical concern than small, human errors that may occur from time to time. If quality varies a lot, the customer feels that failures overshadow achievements. CHS’s goal is to eliminate quality fluctuations in its processes through development work that ensures the product and service the customer receives are as stable as possible and any fluctuations in quality are minimised.
Involving the operational level in discussions at an early phase is one of our strengths at CHS. From the start, our conversations can include for example stockroom personnel or foremen. Thorough preparation and implementation are key to launching actions according to plans.
The customer’s indicators are carefully monitored after implementation
After successful implementation, quality indicators are monitored together with the customer. Often, they are specified by the customer, depending on what they wish to follow. Typical indicators include for example the accuracy of picking, delivery times, and inventory turnover.
There are countless indicators and possibilities, but for the customer, they are tailored so that they show what they want to know and monitor. CHS also collaborates with officials such as Customs and this also necessitates using certain quality indicators, such as the accuracy of customs documents.
Quality costs are brutally honest indicators: they show how a late delivery or broken product directly impacts results, and what kind of feedback we receive from for instance customs officials. We have up-to-date quality indicators that we actively follow.
What do I personally feel is a good indicator of great quality? Naturally keeping quality costs under control, customer satisfaction and feedback are the best indicators of our quality. Personnel satisfaction should not be forgotten either. CHS employees are the best experts in their work, and especially when it comes to developing processes towards future ways of working, employee satisfaction is a highly significant indicator of quality.
Ari Collanus
QEHS Manager
+358 40 510 0034
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