Merkittävä osuus Normetin asiakkaista on ympäri maailmaa toimivia maanalaisia kaivoksia sekä tunnelirakentamiseen erikoistuneita yrityksiä. Vahvimpia markkina-alueita ovat Venäjä, Intia, Australia sekä Afrikka.
CHS on tarjonnut Normetille huolinnan ja logistiikan palveluita vuodesta 2017 alkaen. Normetin kasvaneen Afrikan myynnin ansiosta varsinkin Etelä-Afrikkaan suuntautuneiden toimitusten määrä on viime vuoden keväästä lähtien lisääntynyt nopeasti. Edeltävän vuoden aikana CHS on ollut mukana järjestelemässä noin 30 toimitusta, jotka ovat matkanneet Iisalmesta Etelä-Afrikan Durbaniin. Pääosin kuljetukset ovat sisältäneet kaivostoiminnassa käytettäviä ajettavia laitteita, joista yhtenä esimerkkinä kuvassa näkyvä Charmec MC -panostuslaite.
The Charmec was loaded into a 40ft high cube container at Normet’s subcontractor’s location in Kajaani, Finland, on February 25. The container was then transported to the southern Finland, from where it continued its journey to Germany by sea.
“In Germany, the container will be transferred to an ocean-going ship heading to Durban in early March. Freight is expected to arrive in South Africa on April 3”, says forwarder Teppo Pohja from CHS.

Some of the mining equipment is too large to fit in the containers, so they are driven directly to ro-ro vessels on the west coast of Finland. No matter which the port of departure is, the final destination of the freight is located in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where Normet’s customer operates.
“Regarding customs formalities, the destination country is relatively challenging, which is reflected in the number of transport documents required. And because there are fuels in the vehicles, some of these deliveries are classified as transports of dangerous goods, which also affects the amount of paperwork”, Pohja says.
Normet’s Sales and Export Coordinator Matti Kauppinen describes that cooperation with CHS has been excellent during the whole past three years.
“We can always count on that agreed schedules are met, and we have all the required transport documents at the right place at the right time. At this Durban case, the importance of continuous reporting is also emphasized because we have several deliveries under way at the same time, and the schedules might be quite tight at times. With CHS, our partners and we are always up to date, so receiving the freight and forwarding it to the end-user from Durban are run efficiently.”, Kauppinen kuvailee.
The cooperation continues during the beginning of the year, and many new deliveries will be heading to Durban in the upcoming months.
Normet is an innovative, fast growing technology company. We are underground experts driven by continuous improvement and care for environment.
We offer complete technical solutions increasing our customers’ profitability through improved safety, cost savings and shortened process cycle.
Normet has a broad offering for underground mining and tunnelling: equipment, construction chemicals, rock reinforcement products and services.
Normet currently employs over 1300 business professionals and the net sales in 2018 was over 300 million Euro. Normet is a Finnish company operating globally with over 50 locations in 30 countries.
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