This year's X2 conference was attended by more than 500 members, from 350 different companies, from 138 countries. CHS is a long-term member of the network and was also a sponsor of the soccer World Cup tournament at this year's conference.
Late spring and summer are full of important networking events for CHS.
Aiemmin maaliskuussa otimme osaa Dubaissa järjestettyyn kansainväliseen kumppaniverkostotapaamiseen, jonka painopiste keskittyi maantierahdin osaajiin ja yhteistyön kehittämiseen globaalilla tasolla. Paikalla oli yli 70 logistiikka-alan asiantuntiayritystä ympäri maailman mm. Pohjois-Amerikasta, Kaukoidästä ja Euroopasta. CHS Groupia konferenssissa edusti the Operational Director of Scanlink Oy and CHS Road Freight, Patrik Heikkonen.
CHS' strong logistics expertise has received many thanks from our customers.
Global logistics is an everyday thing for us, but we want to make sure that things are taken care of in other parts of the world, considering our level of requirements. For this reason, we actively participate and network with carefully selected professionals in partner meetings in different parts of the world.
Next up in May is the MiPharma Global AGM 2023 Barcelonassa, Espanjassa. CHS:n erikoislogistiikan tiimin Special Service Supervisor Samuli Ruissalo represents CHS Air & Sea Oy at the event. In June, we will again be participating in the trade fair and special logistics network meeting at the IELA in Malta. This event will be attended by Special Service Manager Eberhar Jolly.
In order for our customers to receive high-quality and reliable service around the world, we want to know our partners well. Deep trust is best developed by meeting face-to-face and through open discussion.
Pictures from the soccer X2 World Cup event.
Marianne Harjula
Marketing Manager
+358 20 7669 450
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